
I suggest that budding entrepreneur’s as well as managers at any level read this book for the extremely practical and proven guidelines for building a business and keeping it successful through core values, ethical principles and sound business concepts of mutual respect for customers, employees and suppliers.

Albert Manteria
IEEE Photonics Society

… his passion and sincere desire to help young entrepreneurs ooze from each page. Even for seasoned managers, this book should be kept on the desktop for reference to keep the entrepreneurial spirit alive.

Derek Cheung
President & CEO, Rockwell Scientific

…I liked the style, and appreciated the mixture of high level concepts and low level, specific examples….Chapter 4 would have been an excellent introduction to financing (especially your succinct, yet detailed, section on ‘Understanding Funding Sources’).

Michael W.

You did an excellent job of keeping the content precise and appropriate as well as easy to read… I hope this can be a required reading for all business course participants.

Pat B.

Thanks for writing this extremely high information density gem! It’s packed with so much wisdoms, insider insights, encouragements, and details of every phase, from the very beginning of starting the companies, to building the companies into successful businesses.

Liz H.

Outstanding book! It brought back a lot of memories, gave explanations for why some of the strategies I happened on to worked (“Nitch market prototyping, I thought I was following Tom Peters’ Thriving on Chaos); used Maslow to improve on HP’s 1960’s corporate culture, and provided the piece I had missed—the importance of manufacturing in the end game…

Charlie T.

It is like the Chinese classic book “The Art of War” written by Sun Tzu around 510 B.C., which illustrates strategies and realizations…Many of the principles are also valuable for academic administrators and university professors….

Ken H.

Congratulations on your excellent book! …The book is interesting, informative, easy to read and very practical in its approach. You have provided a great service by writing it. Having traveled some related paths myself, I really am identifying strongly with what you have written — and enjoying it immensely!

Ron L.

This book is a must-read for anyone considering starting their own tech business.

Nick T.

…I enjoyed it very much! This is a very valuable book that I look forward to sharing with entrepreneur friends and clients.

Augie R.

…All who aspire to build his/her own business or who are intellectually interested in entrepreneurship should read your book.

Linda T.

…I really enjoyed the book from the first to the last letter with all my senses!


I finally got to read your book and plan to reread it again a second time. It was said that mastery is the ability to make that which is complex appear simple and easily understood. Your book is testimony to the validity to that statement,…You are providing experiential knowledge from having been there and having done it.

Irving E.

This is a concise, well written and extremely useful book that could be an immense benefit to the careful reader.

Barry R. Masters
Optics and Photonics News

I wish I had this book years ago. It is insightful and principle oriented, covering the entire process from coming up with an idea, raising money, running and growing the company, and exiting and beyond…It is also easy to read.

Albert Yu
Sr. Vice President, Intel (retired)

I am reading through your book. It is incredible in such succinct set of words.

Phil M.

I found the principals are not just helpful to entrepreneurs, they can also be applied to everyone’s professional life. And also help me evaluate tech deals and entrepreneurs. I would highly recommend and share the book w/ family and friends.

Jane H.

I like the additional space in the margins for notes as well as the graph like pages for commentary and thoughts. This is a creative way to invite the reader to engage more fully with the material and provides the reader the utility of both a book and a “work book”.

Rob M.

I am much moved and impressed of your candidness and accomplishments. It should be a ‘must read’ for entrepreneurs, young and old…


I greatly enjoyed reading your book! I found it interesting and informative, and actually rather complete, which is surprising, given that it is a short book. The chapters on manufacturing and exit and live after were well written and usually not covered.

John B.

…this book offers a wealth of wisdom by an extraordinarily successful entrepreneur and investor in technology companies…

Henry Kressel
Managing Director, Warburg Pincus

It is one of the best start-ups books, if not the best, that I have ever read.

Chester W.

…The book has a nice educational structure…I related to the profound experiences and the noted pitfalls along with the insightful advice… A real motivator for future entrepreneurs.

Dale W.

The methods are based on logic and appears to common sense and therefore this book should be of interest to entrepreneurs in any kid of business.


I’ve just finished reading your book and I enjoyed it very much. It’s cogent, pithy and practical, and it made the concept of starting a company less daunting. I also very much enjoyed reading the bit about your personal history; how inspirational.

Elaine C.

I loved this book. It is pragmatic, practical, and in a no-nonsense way tells you how to start a company. It is sound advice from someonewho has done it the right way. It demonstrates once again that experience is the best teacher.

Bill Davidow
Mohr Davidow Venture