
Establishing A Successful
Technology Business


This book is based on my personal experience. It covers all facets of starting and managing a company from finding an idea, raising money, and running, growing and selling the business. It promises to save you many sleepless nights.

Valuable messages in every chapter

Preparing for entrepreneurship now

  • Choose a job based on learning and growth opportunity. Take on project management responsibilities and work as if you are working for yourself to gain.

For Starters

  • A modest success to start is more desirable than a spectacular flop. Many of the painful mistakes startup companies make to set them up to fail can be avoided if you start a niche business that capitalizes on your expertise in an industry you know. You’ll be able to grow the business over time when you are in the game.

Raising Money

  • Raise sufficient investment capital to comfortably get to a significant miles because you would need validation to convince your investors to support your next round of financing. Taking the plunge without adequate funding to reach a significant milestone is s trap for failure.

Organizational Strategy

  • People will be most productive and enthusiastic with their work when they work in a self-actualized organization where they feel like working for their own future.


  • Set up an operational infrastructure to achieve operational excellence because every product eventually competes on price.
  • Be prepared to execute. Spend wisely because you are out of business when you run out of money!
  • Everyone in the company is to support marketing and sales to build a brand.
  • Practice systematic creativity in your R&D organization.
  • Elevate the status of people in manufacturing and maintain a strong in-house process development capability even if you outsource


  • Your company must evolve and grow to survive. Pass the baton graciously when you see growth slowing.


  • Put the business on a solid footing to create value while position an exit.


  • Find new meaning for productivity in your retirement.